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Welcome to the UFO`s & Ghosts Channel, my channel is about the Paranormal, chat about your experiences on      chat below, watch my channel of documentaries daily & watch my LIVE investigations for contacting Spirits         Saturday Mornings UK times at 1:00 - 2:00(UK)

                              Ghostly happenings in my home 
My brother John (61yrs)  sees my late mom & dad (Phillis , Stanley) in our home soon after my dad died in 2011 from cancer, though  i believe he is seeing  something even though i cant , but i feel breezes around me and static and with odd things happening around the home , like my late dads Hi-Fi system once turned its volume up by itself while i was the only one in the home, then one evening my brother came running into my room telling me he felt something jump on his bed while he was watching TV & the bed clothes moved where he said he felt it at the end of his bed, though i could not find anything to explain it, many other things too like taps turning themselves on mainly hot water tap in kitchen even when no ones been in the room, doing my live invests for contacting Spirits i have witnessed & viewers many orbs ,black shadows, mists , knocks heard, voices even being touched,please watch my videos , pictures , evps. 

 Hello & welcome to my channel, my channel is about everything Paranormal, my name is Michael Broadbent (49 yrs) ,born in the heart of England (West Bromwich, West Midlands).

 I am so into the Paranormal because of all the stories i have been reading in books and on TV ,some stories that are just so amazing to ignore like Ghosts and UFOS as well as Bigfoot encounters.

                           my own encounter with UFO`s just made me more a                       believer back in 1997.(Story below)

  My UFO Sighting:

My UFO sighting happend on 25th July 1997, time was about 23:34 in the evening in my home town of West Bromwich, West Midlands , the sky was clear not windy, chilly night.

i was just looking out of my bedroom window after i watched tv looking out at the sky from the south just looking for planes flying over with a big field from my back garden and trees obscuring the view from a far distance, i was only looking for 5 minutes when i saw some lights behind the trees on a hill and moving oddly, at first i thought it was car or plane lights but when they came from behind the trees i could not belive my eyes of what i was seeing(Drawing of UFO`S to the right) , the objects was at a height about 500 to 1,000 ft, the objects was in a group like pigons do when they fly together but theses was no birds, with lights with a round red center and outer yellow round light but the objects was moving individually like ziggzagging in and out as they moved North, when they got near to my home i lisoned out for any sound but could not hear any then i lost sight of them as the passed the side of my home so i ran into my moms bedroom  looking north & once again i saw them still doing the same movments in a group , i counted possibly 20 lights as they headed into the distance, where the lights was heading i saw a plane much higher up in the sky so maybe the pilot saw them too! ,the sighting lasted about under a minute so i guess the objects was flying as fast as a jet plane or helicopter, i never told anyone about my sighting because of other people who did just that only to be ridiculed i was a skeptic till i saw them now a believer.

Website designed by Michael Broadbent 
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