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Welcome to the UFO`s & Ghosts Channel, my channel is about the Paranormal, chat about your experiences on chat below, watch my channel of documentaries daily & watch my LIVE investigations for contacting Spirits Saturday Mornings UK times at 1:00 - 2:00(UK)
These are some of my Photos i have taken while doing my Live invest for contacting Spirits
LATEST photos are top of page.

Two figures in white shirt and dress

Rare Orange Orb by door

White mist figure
Two faces in mirror
Mans face looking down in mirror

Orb by spotlight

Orb by mirror

Face with big eyes

Evil face in mirror
2 Spirit figures in the mirror

Face and a hand in mirror

Looks like two spirits by the table in mirror

Face with slanted eyes in mirror

Bright orb next to my laptop

Caught this spirit of a lady with long hair in the mirror

Orb by table while doing invest

Face of a man caught in mirror & angel behind with wings spread out

Faint Orb captured next to mirror

Orb near smoke alarm

Spirit of a soldier caught in mirror possibly my late dad

Caught this spirit of a little girl`s face just below light switch n the mirror

Caught orbs in my bedroom

Caught possible two faces of spirits in mirror

Spirit of a lady with a creepy grin in the mirror

Seems like a vortex of faces seen in the mirror

Orb by table while doing invest

Big orb above mirror

Orb by mirror

Looks like a man in this
mirror to the left of lights

The figure to the left of my painting of a lady the photo was taken into the mirror.

This strange looking green snake i captured while taking photos.

Orb by chair

Face of a spirit in mirror

Orb by my Aunts photo

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